SecureWinXP is a free command-line-based software program whose duty is to analyze your Windows XP Operating System deeply to find active security risks, and create a report with all the problems found, adding clear recommendations about how to fix them and how to make your system stronger and more secure.
The program does not include any graphical user interface, and it simply adds a shortcut pointing to the "cmd.exe" Windows tool, which opens a command-line interface already located on SecureWinXP's installation folder. From there you can execute the "SecureWinXP.exe" program manually, displaying a 4-option menu that allows you to analyze your local system, a remote system via SSH protocol, a remote system via SMB protocol, or a remote system's configuration file. You can then type the number of the desired option plus Enter to go ahead with any of them.
For the "Local System" method, you are asked to type the computer's IP address or hostname. Then the analysis process will start and you will see the different security aspects that are being analyzed, each of them labeled as "Satisfactory", "Unsatisfactory", or "Notice", giving you an initial idea of their status. About 60 different security options are analyzed, among Account Policies, Audit Policies, and General Security Options.
Once the analysis is complete, a report file is generated in HTML format, which means that you can open it with the Internet browser of your choice. Once again, you will have to open it manually. For every analyzed option or policy, you can see a short suggestion, and a link that opens a PDF file with more detailed explanations and tips.
Undoubtedly, SecureWinXP is a great tool to know the exact status of your Windows XP system security, since it analyzes all its critical options and policies, and all of that for free. However, the program would be much more attractive and easier to use if it had a graphical user interface.